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Advanced Technology for pain relief

SCENAR is an abbreviation for the name of the device Self-Controlling-Energy-Neuro-Adapting-Regulator or short-pulse electric neuroadaptive reflexological therapeutic stimulator.


It's a non-invasive biofeedback device widely used in Russia and Europe. It's used by placing it directly on the skin, where it collects electromagnetic signals. This biofeedback distinguishes it from TENS machines and other electrical therapies. It does not cause any pain but a tingling sensation does not have adverse effects and can be used in conjunction with other therapies and conventional medicine.


The initial treatment may take up to one hour. The skin of the treatment area will begin to change (Less stickiness and mild redness) and the device will indicate when the treatment is complete. You can feel immediate relief, feel rested and relaxed, and get better sleep.



Some of its indications:


  • Back Pain

  • Neck Pain

  • Sciatica

  • Sports Injuries

  • Knee Pain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • RSI

  • Headaches and Migraine

  • Arthritis

  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

  • Dental Pain

  • Post-Operative Pain

  • Circulatory and Respiratory Problems

  • Musculoskeletal and Digestive Problems





  • Cardiac pacemakers 

  • Epilepsy 

  • Pregnancy 

"I was having a knee pain that was not responding to traditional medications.

After the second session I started noticing less inflammation and by the sixth session, the pain was gone.

I'm glad I decided to say yes to this type of therapy which I never used before. I highly recommend it for pain and inflammation".



You don't have to live with it! We can help
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